Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lee-Anne Catching up on missed work

Task 4 for Session 6 - Investigating Case Study Research Paper

Article: Wall, K, Higgins, S, Miller, J, & Packard, N (2006). Developing digital portfolios: Investigating how digital portfolios can facilitate pupil talk about learning. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 15, 261-273.

The Digital Portfolio Project was based out of Newcastle University in 2002/3 across 12 primary schools in the North-East of England - it had the stated aim of "to support teachers in producing, storing and accessing assessment portfolios of learner's work using ICT"

The project also drew on areas of research into Assessment for Learning and Thinking Skills. It had a strong emphasis on the reflections of the students that participated in the study.

Literature Review:
Clarke (1998) Targeting assessment in the primary classroom: strategies for planning, assessment, pupil feedback and target setting.
Clarke (2001) Unlocking formative assessment: practical strategies for enhancing pupils' learning in the primary classroom
Moseley et al (1999) Ways forward with ICT: effective pedagogy using information and communication technology in literacy and numeracy in primary schools.
Moreland (2001) Enhancing teachers' technical knowledge and assessment practices to enhance student learning in technology: a two year classroom study
Higgins (2003) Does ICT improve learning and teaching in schools?
Chang, C (2001) A study on the evaluation and effectiveness analysis of web-based learning portfolio

As part of the research new tools were developed for students to record their reflections and thoughts during the creation of the digital portfolio. This tool was used to mediate the discussions with students about their learning as the focus of the methodology was on the pupils' views which emerged from these discussions - students commented on the fact that the process of creating the digital portfolio was as important a learning objective as the final product.

Conclusions Reached:
"The combination of a digital portfolio and thinking skills has been revealed to be a powerful one" which much scope left for further research. The reflective nature of the digital portfolios and their ability to create independent learners has a positive impact on students and the way that they perceive themselves as learners.

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